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Why become Smokefree?

There’s lots of benefits to quitting smoking. Some start straight away!


The average smoker will save over £250 a month by not smoking. Use our cost calculator below and find out how much you can save! Every cigarette you don’t smoke, saves you money. What else could you spend that money on? A night out? A holiday? Or even a new car?

For health

Stopping smoking can make a huge impact on your health and it may be in ways that you might not expect! Plus it’s never too late to stop smoking and here’s why.

20 minutes: Pulse rate returns to normal
8 hours: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by more than half and oxygen levels return to normal
48 hours: Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body. Plus, lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris
72 hours: Breathing becomes easier and your energy levels start to increase
2-12 weeks: Your circulation improves and blood pumps around the body much easier
3-9 months: Coughs and breathing problems reduce as well as your lung function increasing by up to 10%
1 year: Your risk of heart disease is about half of a person who is still smoking
10 years: Your risk of lung cancer falls to half of that of a smoker
15 years: Risk of a heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.

For your family

Did you know your children are much more likely to become smokers if you smoke around them?

Also, when you smoke around your family, they breathe in the harmful poisons found in second hand smoke. It might be that a person is affected by the second hand smoke that hangs on you and your clothes even if you smoke away from them. That’s why there’s a law that makes it illegal to smoke in a vehicle when you have someone under 18 present. When you quit smoking, so does your family. You also reduce their risk of getting asthma, meningitis and some cancers.


Ready to quit? Why don’t you contact us today and see how Healthy Sandwell can support you. Fill in the referral form or call us on 0800 011 4656.

How much is smoking costing you?

Try our quick cost calculator to find out how much you could save

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