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Privacy Policy

Date of last revision: 06/06/2024

Version number: 1.0

Whether you are visiting our website, contacting us by email or by phone, we may collect some personal information about you. Whenever we collect your personal information, we want you to be reassured that we will handle it responsibly and legally.

Healthy Sandwell is responsible for how personal data is processed and for what purposes. This means we are known, in legal terms, as the ‘data controller’. Personal data is data that could be used to identify a living individual.

The table below summarises the personal data we collect and why.

When is it collected?

When someone completes our online enquiry form.

What is collected?

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Postcode

Why is it needed?

To enable us to respond to the user’s enquiry.

Who is collecting it?

Healthy Sandwell          

Will it be shared with a third party?


How long has it kept it for?

Five years

If we want to use your data differently, we will always seek your prior consent and will update this notice accordingly.

We take the protection of your personal data seriously. We employ data encryption in transit (using HTTPS protocol) and encryption at rest on the disk drives where your data is stored.

In addition, we use cookies (small text files stored on your device) to provide functionality and analytics capabilities on the website. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for an overview of the cookies used.

You can refer to the official help documentation of your browser provider for information on how to change cookie preferences.

Where personal data is stored

All personal data held will be stored and processed by staff in the United Kingdom.

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with third parties with your consent or if there is a legal obligation for us to disclose the information.

Your rights and your personal data

From May 2018 the GDPR provides you with rights in respect of your personal data. These include the right to:

  • Request a copy of your personal data which we hold about you
  • Ask us to correct personal data that is wrong or out of date
  • Request your personal data is erased
  • Withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data
  •  Lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office

How to access your personal information?

We realise on occasion, you might want to see information we have collected about you, along with an explanation of the lawful basis we used to obtain and process it.

Such a request is called a Subject Access Request. You can do this by telling us verbally or in writing. Here is useful guidance to follow when you do this:

  • Decide what personal information you want us to look for. For example, an application you made for a school place
  • Then, tell us what you want, in person, by phone or in writing
  • Fill out any forms we ask for
  • Provide any form of identification we ask for

You can make a request to access your information by writing to the address below:

Information Management Unit
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Oldbury Council House
Freeth Street
West Midlands
B69 3DE

Contact details

If you should have a query or wish to exercise your rights or make a complaint in relation to your personal data, please contact us using the details provided below.

Email: LS@nhs.net

Phone: 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100

Post: Public Health, Floor 2, Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury, B69 3DE

The Data Protection Officer

The council has a dedicated officer to make sure we respect your rights – this is the Data Protection Officer.

You can contact the Data Protection Officer in writing or by email.

Office of the DPO
Sandwell Council
West Midlands
B69 3DE
Email: dp_officer@sandwell.gov.uk

Suppose for any reason you are not happy with how we have handled your personal information or the response from our Data Protection Officer. In that case, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

They have the power to ask us for information and we must cooperate with them.

You can contact the ICO in writing, by email or by phone.

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Email: casework@ico.org.uk

Telephone: Calling from within the UK at 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate.

Calling from outside the UK +44 1625 545 745.