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Starting Well

Starting Well​

Healthy Pregnancy

Healthy Pregnancy

Having a healthy pregnancy is an important part of ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother and baby. We recommend as soon as you find out you are pregnant you book your antenatal care. This can now be booked through your local Family Hub. Sandwell has created their very own journey to a healthy pregnancy to support women and their partners at every stage of pregnancy. Sandwell residents will have access to free antenatal sessions, bump and beyond classes, specialised exercise classes during pregnancy and sessions on early communication.

For more support during your pregnancy and to book free sessions visit the Family Hubs website.

Healthy Early Years

Healthy Early Years

The early years are a critical time in your child’s development. This is when they are learning and growing rapidly, both physically and mentally. Public health services can play a vital role in supporting your child’s development in their early years. These services can help to ensure that all children have a healthy start in life and reach their full potential.

What’s going on?

We work with various organisations and services so parents can access FREE support and advice to help them look after and develop their children.

Family Hubs

There are seven children centres in Sandwell, and they are there to help and support young families. In addition, they run lots of sessions for parents to be and parents with young families.

Changes Wellbeing Activities

Sandwell’s Changes programme offers free sessions and courses from pregnancy, postnatal and your child’s early years.

Health Visiting

Are specially trained nurses who support and educate families from pregnancy through to a child’s fifth birthday.

Breastfeeding Network

Offer support to families in organised antenatal classes, home visits and support groups. They can help mums with getting to grips with breastfeeding, and can be contacted via text on 07505 775357. You can access sessions and further information on the family hubs website

Bump to Baby


Ready Steady Baby

Your baby’s first year

Grow Learn Play – Coming Soon

Your toddler’s development

Family Hubs

Family Hubs

The Family Hubs mission is to help all families in Sandwell thrive.

Sandwell’s Family Hubs offer the right help, in the right place, at the right time by offering services, free sessions and support for all families with children aged 0 – 19 (or 25 with SEND)

Extra support is now available for families during pregnancy and in your baby’s first years.

To see what Family Hubs has to offer you and your family visit the Family Hubs website