Sandwell Better Mental Health Strategy 2023 – 2026

Have Your Say:

Your chance to tell us what you think about the better mental health recommendations.

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Read along to find out what the strategy and recommendations are about.


Watch video in Punjabi, Bengali, Urdu and Polish Translations 


Good mental health is integral to overall health, and to promoting wellbeing in individuals, families, and communities. Mental health is a normal part of our everyday life, and people with mental health problems can live well, participate in, and enjoy normal, everyday life. This strategy has been developed collaboratively with our partners and stakeholders, including community groups and people with lived experience, to take forward the recommendations of the State of Sandwell report.

Why do we need a Better Mental Health strategy?

Mental health is one of our priority areas for strategic development at the Sandwell Health and Wellbeing Board; our Health & Wellbeing Strategy vision is for Sandwell to be a place where everyone is supported to thrive, and to have the best physical and mental health that they can.

Our vision and strategy for Sandwell

Our vision is for every resident of Sandwell to have the best mental health that they possibly can, at every stage of their life. This will be achieved through the following strategic objectives, working collaboratively across the Council, NHS and partner organisations, including the voluntary & community sector:

This strategy will contribute to achieving the Sandwell 2030 vision of a thriving, optimistic, and resilient community.

What are the recommendations?

The following recommendations have been informed by the updated needs assessment, aligning to our strategic objectives and national priorities around promoting mental wellbeing and preventing mental health problems. The need to:

  1. Improve awareness and understanding of mental health and wellbeing in communities, and the range of support available.
  2. Develop inclusive and culturally appropriate services that address the needs of Sandwell’s diverse communities.
  3. Work with the voluntary and community sector to strengthen early help, promote wellbeing and support recovery.
  4. Work with schools and children’s services to build confidence in supporting children and young people experiencing mental health issues.
  5. Establish clear and inclusive pathways for accessing services and support, both initially and following discharge from care.
  6. Strengthen links between clinical and statutory services to facilitate a person-centred approach to recovery and wellbeing.
  7. Ensure an accessible and inclusive bereavement support offer.
  8. Improve routine data collection and intelligence gathering to identify and prioritise key groups.
  9. Work with families and carers to ensure their own wellbeing needs are met.
  10. Promote mental wellbeing among the health and social care workforce and wider statutory services.
  11. Increase opportunities to improve the physical health of people with severe and enduring mental health problems.
  12. Develop targeted approaches to reducing loneliness and social isolation.

Watch video in Punjabi, Bengali, Urdu and Polish Translations.


Who will be responsible for delivering the strategy and recommendations?

The Sandwell Better Mental Health Partnerships will be working on delivering this strategy and building on what is already being done to improve mental health and wellbeing in Sandwell, supporting the vision of a thriving, optimistic and resilient community.

What happens next?

Your feedback will help us to understand what matters to Sandwell residents and whether the Better Mental Health Strategy and Recommendations cover what they need to.

It will be used to further shape our plans and make sure that everyone’s voice is heard.

Kindly fill in the survey below, for which applies to you more:

Thank you for taking part.