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Drug and Alcohol Strategy

Drug and alcohol use affects not just those who misuse drugs and alcohol but also their families, loved ones, carers, wider communities, services and businesses. We want Sandwell to be a place where everyone can have the best start in life, live well and age well, safe from the harms caused by drugs and alcohol. Preventing and reducing these harms is central to improving the safety, wellbeing and prosperity of Sandwell.

Sandwell’s Public Health team have spoken to local service providers and partners, people with lived experience, and the wider community to understand what needs to be done. This has led to a strategy and to a list of recommendations of how we are going to prevent and reduce drug and alcohol related harms.

Why do we need a Drugs and Alcohol strategy?

There is no single action that can be taken to prevent and reduce drug and alcohol harms, but there are many ways in which services, communities, individuals and society can work collectively to do so. The Sandwell Drug and Alcohol Partnership (SDAP) brings these people and groups together to develop and deliver better ways of working.

What does this strategy aim to achieve?

The overall aim of the new strategy is to reduce drug and alcohol-related harms and overall use in Sandwell.  The strategy has been co-produced working in partnership with key stakeholders, including service providers, those with living and lived experience, and the wider community.

The three priorities for this all-age strategy are:

  • Addressing Supply
  • Delivering a World-Class Treatment and Recovery System
  • Achieving a Generational Shift in the Demand for Alcohol and Drugs

To find out more, access a full copy of our Drugs and Alcohol Strategy.

How was the strategy developed?

A Drug and Alcohol Needs Assessment was carried out in 2022 which reviewed local drug and alcohol needs and the current response to them.  Interviews with partner and community organisations, and with individuals with lived experience, provided valuable insights into the perspectives of those directly and indirectly affected by drug and alcohol use.

Access a full copy of the Drugs and Alcohol Needs Assessment.

Who will be responsible for delivering the Strategy & Action Plan?

The Sandwell Drug and Alcohol Partnership will be responsible for taking forward the agreed Strategy commitments and keeping these on track. There will be local oversight from both the Safer Sandwell Safer Partnership and the Sandwell Health and Wellbeing Board.

The Sandwell Drug and Alcohol Partnership also links into the West Midlands Combatting Drugs Partnership led by the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner – this allows for more joined up action at a regional level especially in relation to supply and criminal justice elements.

The Sandwell Drug and Alcohol Partnership also links in with various other boards via its members including Domestic Violence, Safeguarding and Reducing Reoffending groups amongst others.

How will we monitor delivery of the Strategy?

Annual delivery reports detailing progress against key identified outcomes such as drug and alcohol related deaths, hospital admissions and treatment completions will be uploaded onto this webpage in due course.

Further Resources and Support:

If you are a professional dealing directly or indirectly with people affected by drugs or alcohol you may find our page of resources useful.

If you are a resident directly or indirectly affected by drugs or alcohol, details of support available can be found on our website.

Still need help?

Send an enquiry to our friendly Healthy Sandwell team.

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