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Sean loses 21 stone in 2 years!

22 February

Sean loses 21 stone in 2 years!

Trucker Sean Elms from Tipton, used to where 7XL clothes, and struggled to walk down the street without getting out of breath. He tried a few times to lose some weight, but always slipped back to bad habits.
Sean signed up for a 12 week free weight watchers programme, funded by Healthy Sandwell, and then continued his journey with Weight Watchers to help keep the momentum for his weight loss journey. In two years, he’s lost 21 stone!
“For the first time in my life I feel fantastic in my own body, and I just want to keep going and stay fit and healthy as possible.”

Trucker Sean, now and in 2013

Feel inspired to start your weight loss journey? Call us today on 0800 011 4656 or visit our healthy weight pages to find out more

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