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Sandwell Mental Health & Wellbeing Training

There are many local and national courses available for anyone interested in learning more about Mental Health and Wellbeing.

The Recovery College

The Recovery College provides an educational learning environment for people who have an interest in, or personal difficulties with, mental health. Our courses celebrate our successes and build on existing skills and strategies rather than highlighting problems or failures.

Our belief is that learning together makes us stronger and supports our recovery.

You do not need any formal qualifications or experience to attend the college. All of our courses are free of charge and open to anyone, aged 18 and over.


We offer a wide range of training courses, workshops and taster sessions which will help you to understand mental ill health, identifying what steps you should take to support others as well as yourself.


We offer a range of suicide prevention training for individuals, workplaces and communities across the UK. From our free 30-minute SP-ARK session, to a two-day ASIST course, there are plenty of ways to create a suicide-safer environment where you are.

Suicide Prevention Training for Professionals

The aim of the training offer is to provide suicide prevention knowledge and skills to the workforce to intervene early and equip them with the skills and knowledge to have supportive conversations. It aims to encourage all staff to work together to support the communities of Sandwell, and each other, to prevent loss of life to suicide.

The training offer provided to staff working in Sandwell is aligned to the competency groups below.

  • Core competencies: these are intended for everyone, irrespective of their role to have as a minimum. They focus on being aware of mental health and suicide and can contribute to a supportive culture. We believe the Zero Suicide Alliance Suicide Awareness Training is suitable for everyone as a minimum level of training.
  • Enhanced competencies: these are intended for members of staff who have more interaction with at risk groups and their role allows them increased opportunity, and responsibility, to make adjustments in their practice and/or environment.  We have funded Papyrus to deliver their SP-EAK training to suit this group of staff. Find out more here.
  • Targeted competencies: these are intended for members of staff who need a greater depth of knowledge of how to support individuals with particular mental health or emotional wellbeing difficulties. They may also advise and support other members of staff on social emotional mental health support. We have funded Papyrus to deliver their ASIST training to suit this group of staff. Find out more here.

The table below provides competency groups suggestions for staff from the private, public and voluntary sector. These levels are suggestions only and staff will need to consider the amount and degree of interaction they have with individuals and their designated responsibilities to choose the appropriate training for them.

Suggested staff roles per competency group
Core Enhanced Targeted
Caretakers/Cleaners/Facilities Staff Probation Officers Family Support Workers/Adults Support Workers
Back office and administration staff Leisure/Sport Coaches Targeted Youth Worker
Catering Staff i.e. school lunch supervisors, cafes, restaurants, pubs etc. Neighbourhood Officers Health Visitors
Contact Centre Staff Sessional Youth Workers School Health Nurses
Transport drivers incl. school transport service, taxis and public transport Attendance Officers Youth Justice Workers
Librarians Community Group Workers GPs
Street Wardens, Park attendants, Environmental Health Officers Dentists/Pharmacists Staff working in Refuges
Receptionists Early Years Workers Speech & Language Therapists
School Governors Childminders Residential Workers
Senior Managers/Boards/Trustees with little direct contact with members of the public Teachers/Further Educations Lecturers and staff Pastoral/ Student Support Services
Chaplaincy/Faith Leaders Social Work Assistants Safeguarding Leads/Welfare Officers
Security Workers i.e. at colleges, youth clubs, supported housing etc. Foster Carers Early Years Managers
Connexions, Job Centre Plus and other Careers/ Employments Advisors Day Centre Assistants Targeted Support Services i.e. substance abuse, sexual health, mentoring
Volunteers with or without direct contact with members of the public Police Officers including PCSOs (without specialised roles) Social Workers
Hairdressers, nail technicians, beauticians, barbers etc. Prison Workers Staff working with people with disabilities/additional needs incl. SENCO
Other retail staff Faith Leaders Staff working with refugees/asylum seekers


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