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The SHAPE Survey

The SHAPE Survey is an annual online survey sent to schools and colleges for children and young people aged 9 – 18 years to consult with young people on various topic areas that affect them in today’s society. The survey is completed every year and is completed online.

We encourage schools to ensure as many young people have completed the surveys as possible. The results from the surveys provide us with a lot of insight into the needs of children and young people and enables Sandwell Council and partner agencies to make changes to their services to meet the needs. The results also help to plan the topic areas to be covered in the SHAPE Our Future conferences.

Students can also enter a prize draw for vouchers, £25 for primary and £50 for secondary, at the end of the survey.

Any schools who submit over 25% of their pupil roll in survey results, will have their individual data provided to them. The school that submits surveys for the highest percentage of their school roll will receive £250.

The online survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please note: all responses will remain anonymous.

The SHAPE Survey goes live in April and closes in July. When the survey is live, all links will be on this page to access the survey.

Previous Survey Results

All of the previous SHAPE Survey Results are available here to view and download:






If you have any further questions or queries about the SHAPE survey, please email shape_events@sandwell.gov.uk