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School Nurses

School Nurses

The School Nursing team provides a consistent approach across the borough of Sandwell for children and young people age five to 19 attending school as well as those not attending school, those who are electively home educated and those attending alternative provisions across the authority.

All secondary schools have a named school health nurse (SHN) who works with a wider cluster of nurses offering support across each of the towns in Sandwell inclusive of primary schools.

School Nurses will provide support and advice for a wide variety of health needs to support children and young people in reaching their full potential and accessing appropriate education provision. School Nurses will also signpost or refer on as appropriate.

If you are ever unsure if your referral is appropriate please do not hesitate to contact our Duty Nurse. You can contact the duty nurse by calling 0121 612 2974 or emailing the service at swbh.shnsandwell@nhs.net 

You can find out the latest updates from the team by following them on social media:

School nurses deliver offer a core health education programme to all primary schools across the authority session offered are:

Health for Teens introduces a new and different way for young
people aged 11-19 to learn about their health.

You can find out more information about any of these sessions on their website.

Health for Kids is a fun and exciting website to help children to think about how they can stay healthy and look after their health.

The Health for Kids website also features three very different but entertaining games to making learning about health even more fun. There is even a parents section. 

The Health for Teens website features bite-sized information on a comprehensive range of physical and emotional health topics for teenagers, including healthy eating, body image, managing stress, advice on relationships, puberty, sexuality and much more. There is even a parents section.