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The SHAPE Programme is the Council’s initiative to listen to the child’s voice in Sandwell.

Over the past 4 years the programme has made significant progress in achieving its objectives. It provides immense satisfaction and pride in knowing the difference the programme is beginning to make. SHAPE not only provides a voice to children and young people; it empowers them to build resilience and confidence to become successful. At the same time, the programme has been able to tackle some of the pertinent issues affecting young people in this current climate including CSE, online safety and bullying.

The programme would not be a success if it wasn’t for the in kind and financial contribution of both internal and external partners. Partnership working is essential to the programme in particular with the events SHAPE Your Talent and SHAPE Youth Festival. Thank you to all the partners for their contribution for supporting and delivering the programme and a special thank you to the Youth Service who have been an integral part.