Active Travel and Air Quality in Schools
Modeshift STARS
Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been
established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in
supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme
encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels
of sustainable and active travel, in order to improve the health and well-being of
children and young people. Every school in England (outside of London) can
participate in Modeshift STARS for free. On completion of an application for
Modeshift STARS, schools will automatically have a brand new national
standard School Travel Plan.
If you are a Sandwell School and would like to sign up or for more information,
please contact Suzy_Street-hall@sandwell.gov.uk

Living Streets
WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk/wheel, cycle, or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It’s that easy! It’s simple to run and children love taking part. Each year, the collectable WOW badges are designed by pupils in our annual badge design competition.
On average, WOW schools see a 30% reduction in car journeys taken to the school gate and a 23% increase in walking rates.
To find out more and get your school involved, please
contact: ed.wicks@livingstreets.org.uk or call 07803 246300
Bikeability is being delivered FREE of charge to Sandwell Primary Schools by
Bikeright, with the below programmes and dates now available.
Bikeability Level 1 & 2 for those that can ride in year 5 or 6. This is a 1-day course for
6 riders per day. Pupils need to bring along a roadworthy bike and helmet. Children in
Year 5 and 6 that cannot currently ride can be included in the Level 1 and 2 course to
widen participation. If access to bikes is a barrier for children participating in this offer, Bike Right have bikes and helmets available to borrow so your pupils can take part.
To book your sessions and ask about borrowing bikes please contact Jayde Hanlon at Bike Right on Jayde@bikeright.co.uk or call 0151 207 3140.
Some of the benefits of a child cycling to and from school:
- Quieter, safer roads - having fewer cars around school makes it safer for parents and children to walk or cycle on their journey to and from school. Fewer cars also means less pollution.
- Fitness and health - children need at least an hour of physical activity each day, and walking or cycling to school is a great way to get some of that exercise.
- Concentration at school - children who are physically active on the way to school burn off some of their excess energy and are more able to settle down and focus well in lessons.

'Auntie Duck' - Air Quality Book & Resources
To celebrate Clean Air Day on 20 June 2024, Sandwell Council launched Auntie Duck, a FREE new air quality themed story book written by the Dog, Duck and Cat Charitable
Trust with advice from Sandwell’s Air Quality Officers. Auntie Duck helps children to
navigate the potentially complex subject of air pollution when she flies in from abroad to visit her nephew ‘Duck’ and shares with him her experience of breathing in dirty air on her travels. She explains the sources of air pollution, the impact on health and what we can do to help. The story can be read by children aged 5 to 11 but is most suitable for 7 to 9 year olds. In addition to the story book, we are also providing a free ‘Auntie Duck’ resource pack, this includes lesson plans aligned with Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum, as well as a wide range of worksheets and activities. The resource pack is perfect for teachers, parents or guardians who want to deepen and expand their children’s learning. We have a physical copy of the storybook for every primary school in Sandwell.
If you would like to receive the book and resources, please contact Tina_Okewale@sandwell.gov.uk
Download the PDF version of the Active Travel and Air Quality School Menu by clicking below: