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21st Century Child

Young people are experiencing new challenges every day. Sandwell’s 21st Century Child Programme is a two tier approach, working with both young people and parents/carers.

What is the Child's Voice?
Child’s voice provides young people the opportunity to have their views and opinions heard. Allowing CYP to feel a sense ownership of and influence decision making.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Article 13 “The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.”

Young people are experiencing new challenges every day. Sandwell’s 21st Century Child Programme is a two tier approach, working with both young people and parents/carers, alongside school. The programme provides an opportunity for children and young people to raise awareness about the issues facing them and identifying how they want to be supported both in and outside of school.

21st Century Child provides CYP the opportunity to raise their issues with senior leaders and are provided with the platform to make change and influence.

 The main aims of the 21st Century Child are to identify:
How it differs from Student Council:

Student councils are a really useful place to start with listening to children’s voices and concerns: empowerment, positive participation, skill building etc.

Which other forums could be used for children who might now want to participate in a student council?

Links to PSHE Curriculum:
6 x 21st CC full day events – 1 in  a secondary school per town.
6 x Feeder schools attend.

Benefits: Supports transition and builds those relationships between Primary and Secondary school pupils.

Ensures Child’s voice is listened to, both in Primary and Secondary school.

Establishes a core group of pupil’s in secondary school to improve student voice and student council.

Each year over 500 CYP will be worked with.

To find out more contact:

Lydia Dunne- Lydia_dunne@sandwell.gov.uk