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Ageing Well

Sandwell has a higher than national average for injurious falls rates/prevalence. Physical activity is proven to help with stability and functional fitness in older adults and also in reducing social isolation. Here in Sandwell, Agewell provide an abundance of support.

Being able to stay healthy in later life is something that concerns us all.

When we think about Ageing Well, there are lots of things to consider. These include looking after your eyes, keeping active and preventing falls.

The NHS have produced A Practical Guide to Healthy Ageing that looks at each area that needs to be considered. It offers simple advice for helping you to overcome issues and prevent them from happening.

If you are starting to notice that you are slowing down or things that use to be easy take a little longer, then you need to make steps to slow down or reverse some of these changes.

The NHS have also produced A Practical Guide to Healthy Caring. This is targeted at the over 1 million people in England who are over 65 and registered as carers.

You need to consider what you eat and drink. It is important to make sure you are eating the right things in the right amounts for you. If you need advice on eating healthily, you can check out our Healthy Eating pages.

It is also important for your health that you do not smoke. If you need support to quit smoking, Healthy Sandwell can help you.

If you are looking for more support and advice on ageing well and engaging with activities in Sandwell, there are three groups who can support you:

Agewell Sandwell offer support to get older people active.

Age UK Sandwell offer many services for older people and their carers.


FallsFree4Life is a free service aimed at preventing falls in those aged 50 and over or who have mobility issues. The service is for anyone living or registered with a GP surgery in Sandwell. Our trained falls prevention wellness coaches can provide a falls risk assessment either from your home or at a local community venue. Once we have completed a risk assessment depending on your risk score, we can provide a 12-week group falls strength and balance class, which provide gentle exercises increasing your mobility, strength and fitness. Alternatively, we can refer you to the most appropriate community support services available if necessary.

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